A Curation of Gear, Tech, Vices, & More2023-10-24T12:25:56-04:00
  • Smashing Pumpkins playing Siamese Dream at a watch party in 1993

    Archive Find: Siamese Dream Watch Party

    Three decades ago, on July 27, 1993, the world witnessed the release of "Siamese Dream," an album by Smashing Pumpkins that would go on to become one of the definitive soundtracks of the 1990s. As the clocks neared midnight on July 26th, just hours before the album hit the shelves, Chicago's Tower Records was buzzing with anticipation. Hailing from the Windy City itself, Smashing Pumpkins graced their fans with an intimate acoustic performance, celebrating the imminent release of their masterpiece. This exclusive album release show was orchestrated by the renowned radio station, WXRT. As we commemorate the 30th anniversary of...




  • Star Wars Rebels, image c/o Disney

Animated Series Ushered in a New Era for Star Wars

Since its debut in 1977, the Star Wars franchise has been a cornerstone of pop culture. While the original and prequel trilogies captured the imagination of audiences worldwide, the franchise found new avenues for storytelling through animated series like "The...

  • Freshly made sheets of ramen noodles

Fresh Ramen Noodles

Ramen, with its flavorful and aromatic allure, has been a longstanding staple in the culinary repertoires of college students and those navigating the stringent constraints of a tight budget. It's quite common to see the prepackaged, instant variety stacked in...

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